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10th September 2020

Doesn't time fly..
The hedgehog I photographed a few weeks ago has been run over by a car. There is no trace of the job-centre rabbits.
I have used buses, virtually empty to go over to Boyatt, blackberrying or to visit the lakes, but walked back.
Today I needed a longer walk so went over to Bitterne again,the black swans have cygnets now but they are brownish grey now. This time I felt more adventurous and continued along the river past Bitterne Railway Station and over into St Mary Extra Parish (Jesus Chapel on Pear Tree Green) and down towards Woolston so that I could get to Southampton over the Itchen Bridge. I knew where I was, but was theoretically lost because I did not know the names of the roads.I was right on course but thought it wise to get the bus back to Eastleigh.
Everyone on the bus wore masks but the Social distancing was woeful. For part of the journey it was not two metres but just half a metre away from other passengers, though not facing each other. I doubt if I caught the virus

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