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1st August 2020

I have received the letter releasing me from shielding. I shall continue to do the same as I have done all along as it was a better routine than before. I now become active earlier in the day and go shopping and do the crossword before 9 a.m. and have managed to solve most of the problems that have arisen. I removed a lump on my face myself as recommended by the doctor by 'phone. I did some necessary plumbing. I have managed to get my 'dead' computer working. I solved the problem of a computer file too large to open. I have had many delightful (though tottery) solitary walks, essential exercise because my legs are getting weaker.

I have produced eight more History 'papers' which I cannot distribute yet. I have a lot more research under way, hindered by the Library's limited opening times. I have grown my own tomatoes and have a good crop. The cat that has taken up residence with me seems very content with the arrangement.

One has to make the best of a disastrous situation. I could worry about the outcome to the country which appears bleak, but I cannot do anything about it.

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