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Each Thursday at 8pm many people in my road come out into their front gardens and 'clap for carers'. Today is apparently the last day that this will be done (28/0/2020). I like to see us all acting in concert.
Apparently it has become too political - I assume that the elite support the National Health Service as a QUANGO but the hoi-poloi support all carers and those who work for the National Health Service who risk their lives on behalf of the people.
I stopped contributing to this blog because I do not really know how to use it and photographs cannot be added. I have not seen the Job-centre rabbits for a long time and I have had to stop wearing my wrist-watch weeks ago because a new battery is needed and is unobtainable during lockdown. I gave myself two and a half hours to walk to the General Hospital for my last appointment and arrived in time. I think I was quicker than that getting home afterwards. I had ignored the three months self-imposed imprisonment which was recommended in an official government communication. I am due back there in a couple of weeks but wonder whether it is safe to enter the main building. There is no point asking yet because no one will know. They could carry out the appointment by telephone if they had any sense as it is only to tell me if I am still alive.
The politicians and journalists are getting tired of the Virus news, long after everyone else. The dubious statistics and repetitious pleadings to 'wash your hands' would be
a joke, were it not for the grim truth which is played down.
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