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Went shopping early. No queue. Came home. Did crossword. Then a lot of computer work and emails. Had a light lunch and strolled over to Bitterne, exploring part of the Itchen Way I had bypassed previously and photographing some QR codes. I do not know what these do, but I expect everyone else does. There were a lot of people between Mansbridge and Bitterne but keeping their distances. Black swans still there. On the way back, a black Labrador dog that had been playing with a yellow tennis ball, was running along the river-bank following his ball which was in the water and being washed down-stream. In the end it jumped in and retrieved the ball but could not get up the river bank. I went to assist, but was so slow trying to bend down that the owner took over and carried out the rescue. Spoke to a Support Officer (at a distance)who seemed pleased to find someone to talk to. He seemed to think that taking exercise was sensible.
Saw the rabbit again, {mentioned in a previous blog which seems to have vanished)grazing in front of the job centre, but it bounded away before I could get my camera out. Short queue at Sainsburys and a long one at Tescos and Iceland so no more shopping.
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