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We are living during a significant event during Eastleigh's history. It would be nice to have a record about life in Eastleigh during the Coronavirus epidemic.
How are people managing? Are shops open? Are people managing to obtain food deliveries?
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Chandlers Ford
Being in the at risk age group, we have been self isolating in Chandlers Ford for the last week or so. We are fortunate that were well stocked with groceries at the start of the Coronavirus crisis and have been well looked after by daughters shopping for us. I do not know how we would have managed otherwise as there are no delivery or collection slots available from Sainsburys (Badger Farm), Waitrose or Asda. We would be interested to hear how others are managing especially those of our members in the centre of Eastleigh
Last Sunday’s Mothering Sunday and Self-Isolating
No personal visits of course but flowers and chocolates came by post on Saturday - both pushed through the letterbox! Flowers apparently were “sleeping” so I had to awaken them by following special instructions that came with them. Hid the chocolates as there is more than one person self- isolating in this house who likes chocolate.
I did not miss seeing the girls on the day as the eldest daughter arranged a Zoom video conference for three daughters and me so that we could all see and chat to each other - bless current technology.