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My name is Alice May Cawte and I was born on 9th January 1927. I can't remember much about that day of course but I was told by my dear mother that it was in Gosport. She and my Dad had rooms over a shop in the High Street. The shop was owned by a lady who sold all kinds of things that fishermen would need.I am now 76 years old and have visited the High Street which has of course changed and largely rebuilt post war and the site of the fishermen's shop is now aclothes shop, Q & S.
The next place my parents moved to was Charlotte Court in Gosport but I can only remember a little about it I was there until I was 5. In October 1932 my father died of tuberculosis at ‘The Mount, Bishopstoke. My mother also had tuberculosis and the two of us were sent to Chandlers Ford Sanatorium, Eastleigh (I was quite healthy but there was no one to look after me).
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