Fond memories of Bygone Days

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I was bom in Eastleigh in 1901 at No.6 Station Hill, where in those days Ryder, Scammel and Bowyer, Architects and Surveyors, had their offices. In later years, Mr P. Bowyer was Mayor of Southampton. Living on the “Hill” as a child, I used to see the men-folk going and coming to and from the Railway Works each day. My father and sister worked there for a number of years, my father until he retired and my sister serving twenty one years before going to Australia to join my brother who had emigrated out there in the year 1912. My two brothers emigrated together but one was killed at Gallipoli in the First World War. At that time we were living in “Sainfoin Villa”, a lovely old house standing back from the road. I still have photos of it taken whilst we lived there.I remember the photographer’s name was Mr. Morgan and he lived in The Crescent. Alas, our house is gone now and I see that it has been replaced by a large block of offices.

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