St Nicolas Church Hall

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Saint Nicolas Church Hall or the Green Hut, as it was sometimes affectionately called, stood as a landmark at the comer of Stoneham Lane for over seventy years. The land on which it stood was reputed to have been given by the Fleming family to the people of North Stoneham so that they might erect a hall on the site to be used not merely for Church functions but also for village meetings and activities. The hut was a first world war field hospital building which was bought by North Stoneham people and re-erected on the land in Stoneham by Fred and Arthur Barnes, the local blacksmiths, with the help of villagers as well. Over the seventy years of its existence many functions, meetings and activities have been held there including in the 1960s a lively Nursery School run by Miss Dixon. Confirmation classes were held in the hall and when candidates were confirmed at St. Nicolas Church, the celebration tea or lunch, prepared by local people, was held there.

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