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I have just been reading the Parish Magazine for October 1986 and was very interested to know that
some of the village children are wishful to know what the village was like many years ago. Well, I
was bom at 1 Stone Terrace, Otterboume. It’s over 80 years ago so my memory goes back quite a
long way.
To begin with, the whole of Otterboume was very different from the Otterboume of today.
Children can never know the happiness and freedom that we all enjoyed because many dreadful
things happen these days which prevent them having the complete freedom that we had. A few
years ago I wrote a book which is now in the Archives in Winchester (at least I gave it to them) in
which I wrote what Otterboume was like then, our daily life, our school, the games we played and
many other things, because in those days we had to make our own amusements.
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