Bishopstoke Water Meadows

Paper Number: 

While being entertained to lunch recently by two country loving friends, the conversation turned to
the water meadows and their method of irrigation - a system that has become a thing of the past.
Giving it further thought, I was intrigued by the fact that, though there are still many folk around
who can remember them being used in their original capacity, I am probably the last in this area of
those who took part in their upkeep - 1 am one of the last of the “DROWNERS”, the name given to
the water meadow workers. As a consequence, I felt constrained to try to describe these meadows
and their uses. I feel sure it will be of interest to someone, even as it was to our young hosts.
I understand that the Dutch introduced the idea and its implementation to this country many years
ago, during the reign of Charles I.

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